
One good thing about being a high performance coach is that I’m always studying ways to improve performance, and ways to live a bigger, better, healthier, more impactful life. The best way I can teach someone else is through my own life experience, so from this perspective I’ve got this ongoing motivation to keep on improving, to keep on growing day by day in my own life. And I love that.

I want to take a moment to reflect back on last year, and then project a bit into this new year.

Last year for me was really good. Actually it was great!

Working with my life coach, Dr. Tom Hill, and through focusing on growth and balance in my top six priority areas in life, I accomplished most of the goals that I set up for the year. The big items for me, which line up directly with my priorities were:

    1. Spirituality, a growing relationship with God.
    2. Physical health, to have great physical health.
    3. All about relationships, amazing relationships with my wife, with my family, with friends, with coworkers, with clients.
    4. Good, yet improving emotional health.
    5. Professional intellectual. I’m working toward my PhD in Psychology, I’m growing my recruiting business, and most excitingly for me is I’m growing my coaching business.
    6. The last priority of my top six in my life is what I call financial, and while I’ve invested a lot of money in my online coaching business, we’re doing fine as a family and we’re on our way toward financial freedom.

What I’m really happy about is how 2016 ended up, it was all according to a plan. A written plan, a design for my life, a design that I put into place on purpose. And now in 2017, while my priorities haven’t changed, my goals have. My goals have changed as I remain fully committed to balance and to growth for the rest of my life.

I hope that you, my friends are equally optimistic in approaching your lives, your one and only lives with the same type of purpose and intention and anticipation of better days ahead.

I honestly do believe that the best is yet to come for us all, so thanks and happy new year!

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[For more great quotes like these, follow Brett on Instagram]



Coach Brett Blair here, author of From Autopilot to Authentic, and high performance coach. You know, one good thing about being a high performance coach is that I’m always studying ways to improve performance, and actually I’m always studying ways to live a bigger, better, healthier, more impactful life. And the best way I can teach someone else is through my own life experience, so from this perspective I’ve got this ongoing motivation to keep on improving, to keep on growing day by day in my own life. And I love that.

I want to take a moment to reflect back on last year, and then project a bit into this new year, into 2017. Now last year for me, it was really good. Actually it was great, and working with my life coach Dr. Tom Hill and through focusing on growth and balance in my top six priority areas in life, I accomplished most of the goals that I set up for the year. And the big items for me, which line up directly with my priorities were number one, spirituality, a growing relationship with God. Number two is physical health, to have great physical health. Number three, all about relationships, amazing relationships with my wife, with my family, with friends, with coworkers, with clients. Number four is good, yet improving emotional health. Number five is professional intellectual, I’m working toward my PhD in Psychology, I’m growing my recruiting business, and most excitingly for me is I’m growing my coaching business. Then the last priority of my top six in my life is what I call financial, and in while I’ve invested a lot of money in my online coaching business, we’re doing fine as a family and we’re on our way toward financial freedom.

Now what I’m really happy for how 2016 ended up, it was all according to a plan. A written plan, a design for my life, a design that I put into place on purpose. And now in 2017, while my priorities haven’t changed, my goals have. My goals have changed as I remain fully committed to balance and to growth for the rest of my life. And I hope that you my friends are equally optimistic in approaching your lives, your one and only lives with the same type of purpose and intention and anticipation of better days ahead. And I do, I honestly do believe that the best is yet to come for us all, so thanks and happy new year.