Last weekend two pretty amazing things happened in my life.

First, I turned 55 on Sunday.

Second, I ran my 13th half marathon.

It was an incredible day and I am blessed to have enjoyed my birthday in this unique way.

I love to run and I love a good challenge. I love God, relationships, learning, growing and appreciate having a strong body that still treats me very well in my 55th year. This is a treasure that I don’t take for granted. I am thankful for this gift and wish the same for others.

But, I didn’t always feel this way.

For the first 20 years of my adult life, I hardly ever exercised.

I hated running.

My life coach, Dr. Tom Hill, suggested I pick at big, hairy, audacious fitness-related goal, and go for it. I chose to sign up for a marathon.

I started training, and lo-and-behold, I learned to love running.

I also learned to love others forms of exercise. My mind and body thank me daily for it now.

Your body was created to move, and to be cared for. Most people take better care of their cars than they do their bodies. You need sunlight, water, healthy foods, exercise, rest and sleep in order to feel your best. You were made to be strong and vibrant and to enjoy your life.

While you can’t control the genes your parents gave you, you can do the best with your daily choices. I call this discipline “Putting the Odds in Your Favor.” You can make the best of what you’ve got and treat your body as a gift to be honored.

It’s almost spring. The birds are singing, the air smells fresh. The snow is gone and the sidewalks are clear. It’s no longer too cold outside.

It’s time to get moving!

If you’re not currently exercising, I invite you to start. If you are already exercising, good for you! I invite you to kick it up a notch. I invite you to lean into it, embrace it and love every minute.

Here are 4 easy ways to add exercise into your busy life:

  1. Get up 30 minutes earlier and take a walk, or commit to using that piece of exercise equipment that is collecting dust in the basement.
  2. Grab a friend and instead of meeting for coffee, meet for a 30-minute walk.
  3. Instead of watching 30 minutes of TV each evening, grab your headphones and listen to uplifting music, or to a podcast on a topic of interest to you—all while walking, biking or jogging around your neighborhood.
  4. Join a gym, and either hire a trainer or enroll in a class. There’s something special about having others around doing the same workout, and the accountability you get with having a trainer, a fitness coach, is priceless.

In the beginning, exercise can be difficult—really difficult. With discipline and determination, it can become a habit, and then can become fun. I invite you now to do it. If you don’t like running, that’s ok. Find what you enjoy, or can tolerate. Maybe swimming or walking is for you. Don’t give up searching until you find it. We were all created to have some form of physical exercise. It’s not just for the cross-fitters or the gym hulks, you were also created to move.

If you’ll make it a habit, and stick to it for a lifetime, your body and mind will thank you.

Let’s all start moving—today!


Coach Brett Blair