Our health is something we usually take for granted.

Not giving it much attention, until we’re faced with a problem, or an ache that tells us to slow down…or in some cases, get moving!

Our bodies are created to run smoothly when provided with good nutrition, plenty of water, exercise, and rest.

Our bodies are also created to naturally heal themselves when necessary.

I like to say that “I have a magic healing body.”  (You do as well)

I choose to make a priority of my health because I know how important it is to the rest of my life.

You may already be like me, but if you’re not, you may want to implement a few changes to your diet and fitness regimen that can help you feel your best.

Here are 5 simple practices that I do to help me keep my body running strong. We can’t control our genetic make-up, but we can control our lifestyle and choices.

Let’s put the odds in our favor for a healthy, joy-filled life:

1. Choose natural and whole foods whenever possible. Foods from nature taste great. For example, you may find that sliced avocados with a touch of sea salt taste even better than a pre-packaged bag of guacamole.
2. Drink plenty of water. I find this to be pretty easy, and enjoy drinking fresh, filtered water all day long, before I get really thirsty.  Adding a slice of lemon makes it even better!
3. Exercise and get moving! I love to run, and aim for some type of physical exercise every day of the week. At a minimum, some form of aerobic exercise for 30 minutes, 3 times per week, will fit perfectly into most schedules (even the really full ones!).
4. Get plenty of sleep. Our bodies and minds need rest, and creating healthy sleep habits are critical to feeling and looking our best. Set aside time to unwind and create a bedtime for yourself so you aren’t tempted to stay up late watching TV, or just wasting time.
5. Add more veggies. This is not always an easy one, especially if you’re like me and you travel a lot. I’ve learned to love smoothies and make them at home almost every day. (well, my wife does this for me, because she loves me!) By combining veggies (spinach, carrots, and cucumber taste great!) with fruits, soy milk, ice and ground flax seed, you get a breakfast for a champion – You! Your body and your health are worth it. You may even learn to love those veggies along the way.

Fueling our bodies with good food and giving them plenty of time to rest and rejuvenate helps our bodies function at their best.

Feeling our best helps us live our best lives and that really is the best gift we can give ourselves, our families, and the world at large!


Coach Brett Blair