Being generous is something we all know is inherently good.

We’re also, as humans, wired to be a little selfish.

But, giving is good, and tis the season to give gifts.

Beyond giving gifts this time of year, how about living with a generous spirit, one that reaches far beyond Christmas?

To live generously is to give freely, and not just with money and physical gifts.

To be truly generous we can give of our time, our hearts through a smile or kind gesture, or in the gift of patience with a difficult family member or even a complaining stranger in the check-out line.

Today I encourage you to live more generously from your heart.

Here are my top 5 suggestions for living a richer, and more generous life.

1. Give money away. This may sound foolish, but my life coach has encouraged me to do this, and it feels great. I have committed to giving away a specific amount of money each month to someone who can use it more than I can. For you it could be $5, $15 or even $100 – whatever works for you. Leave it as a gift anonymously or give it to someone you see who is struggling. Being quick to give and slow to take releases us from our obsession with having enough and wanting more.
2. Tip generously.  Thank the person serving you and show them you appreciate their work.
3. Smile! Be generous with your smile and you’ll receive the gift of a smile in return. This simple gesture can make one’s day. You never know what other people are dealing with.
4. Be a good listener. Lend an ear to a friend who is facing a challenge, or the spouse who needs you to truly listen to their concerns. Look them in the eye. Be fully present.
5. Be generous with your time. Volunteer to help the less fortunate, become a mentor at church, or give of your time in whatever way you may be called.

Today may you be extravagantly generous, and may your spirit feel rich.

The most valuable gifts are never things that can be purchased at the store, but are things that are felt with the heart.

May you and yours have a very merry Christmas!


Coach Brett Blair