I’m guilty of this. You probably are too. There have been many occasions when I have let my health take a back seat in order to get more done. I’ve made this mistake and I’m committed to making my health a priority.

It is never worth sacrificing your health in order to achieve more. Most of us can quickly agree with this.

What about your sleep? Are you willing to stay up, even into the early morning hours, trying to meet a deadline?

What about your diet? Do you frequently skip breakfast to rush to the office, only to scarf down a donut on your way? Or inhale a fast-food lunch because you were starving by noon.

While these are not problems when done on occasion, if you’re consistently giving up on a healthy lifestyle in order to succeed at work, you may need to make some changes.

Small changes, over time, can create huge results. I’ve seen this in my own life and I continue to work at it.

Leading a healthy lifestyle puts the odds in your favor for a long, productive and successful life. You have lots to do. Your schedule is full, but your health is worth it.

Let’s start small.

Here are 8 points to consider when it comes to your time and your health:

Schedule time for sleep and honor this need. A consistent sleep routine is an important part of a balanced life. Going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time each day helps keep your body on a rhythm. Respect your sleep.

Eat those veggies. It can be tough to do if you’re always rushing from one thing to the next, but we’re working on slowing down. Plan meals ahead when possible. Try shopping on the weekends and washing and pre-cutting carrots and celery you can grab on the way out the door.

Get on the smoothie bandwagon. You may learn to love them and this can be a great way to get fruit, protein (if you choose to add it) and vegetables into your diet that you may not otherwise get. Spinach and greens that would not normally make it onto your breakfast plate make great smoothie additions. I promise – it still tastes great! (By the way, my friend, Farnoosh Brock, wrote a great book on smoothies. You can see it here.)

Exercise. It increases your endurance and decreases your stress. It feels good, once you get going, and just burns up extra energy that could improve your sleep. Exercise feels good, once you’re in the habit. Embrace exercise, regardless of your athletic ability or stamina.

Get into nature. You may live in an overcrowded city or in a climate that limits your time outdoors in the winter months. Usually, you can still seek out some form of nature, including parks, trails, or just your own backyard.

Commit to authentic and loving relationships. People make the world go round. They bring joy, laughter and encouragement. Spend time with people who bring you peace and a sense of community. Avoid time with people who drain your energy.

Live with gratitude. A thankful heart sees the good in their life, even when things aren’t perfect. Living with gratitude creates a sense of appreciation for the people and things that are positive in your life.

Live your faith. Whatever you believe in terms of faith, find a community of people that share the same beliefs. Faith in a higher power can help us get through the storms in life and give us hope when we have nothing else. Living your faith gives you hope.

I’ve found that if commit to these 8 things in my life, I somehow get my work done even faster and better than before, and I’m a whole lot happier and at peace as a result.

Why don’t you give it a try?


Coach Brett Blair