Sometimes the best thing we can do is take a break from our daily desk routine, put aside the deadlines (and maybe the headaches) and just have some fun. That’s exactly what I did last weekend!

I left my structured work day and headed to Orlando, Florida for a leadership conference with other entrepreneurs and business leaders who love life and who are committed to growing – and having a great time along the way.

These are people I love hanging out with. These are people who inspire me, and fuel my passion for coaching, writing and living an authentic life.

There are people who cross our paths who bring us energy and there are others who drain it. It is your choice who you spend your time with.  I choose to surround myself with people who lift my spirits and encourage me to be the best I can be. I want to be this person for others, and I hope you do too.

I want to lift others as I grow myself. If we do this, and truly lean into living a life of intention, kindness and generosity, our lives will be utterly amazing. Your life, and my life.

The sun was shining in Orlando. It was a beautiful weekend and an awesome conference, not just because of the gift of the sunshine, but because of the gift of time to be with friends who challenge me to be the best I can possibly be, and who love me along the way.

I wish you a great week filled with time to recharge and grow. May your time be spent with those you love and those who love you back.

May it also be with people who bring out the very best in you.


Coach Brett Blair