In my work as a life coach, and as a recruiter, I often meet with people who are looking for a new job.

For many, they have been at it for a long time, and are discouraged.

Some are a bit overwhelmed and maybe downright scared. This is the place that many, many people are finding themselves these days.

If this is you, know that you are not alone!

Now is the time that you need to be at your top, peak performance. The competitive marketplace for people looking for work requires that you outperform most others in the process. Robust physical health is absolutely essential to have the energy, stamina, focus, alertness and resilience necessary to do the work ahead of you.

If you are already in good physical health, then you have a big head start over the majority of Americans who are not. Continue to maintain your health, and enjoy the benefits that come from this as you approach each day with a clear head and abundant energy.

If you are not in good health, it is critical that you start, now, on a plan to improve.

I know it is not easy, but life is not easy.

This is your one and only body, and this is your one and only now.

The steps are very simple, but profoundly difficult.

There are five things you need to do:

• Get daily exercise of at least thirty minutes. Walking is a good place to start.
• Eat a healthy diet. You know what this means for you.
• Enjoy quiet time each day. This can be for prayer, meditation, reflection, or just pondering.
• Drink water all day long. I challenge you to take sodas out of your diet altogether.
• Get enough sleep each night to wake up feeling rested.

I’d suggest you buy Seth Godin’s goal setting book, “Pick Four,” and make a health-related goal as one of the four goals you focus on for the next twelve weeks. You will be amazed at how you can create new positive habits, and you will be proud of the sense of control you develop as you improve your health.

Your newly improved health will make you a more productive job searcher, and will also make you a more attractive new employee for the company that is just about to hire you.

As another benefit, you will feel better, live longer, and be more vibrant for those who love you.

Let’s go get this!