We all are, deep down, on a journey….looking and searching for connection to our purpose.

We all want to be successful, but more importantly, we all want to achieve significance.

Bob Beaudine, author of “The Power of Who,” recently shared these “7 Tips in Your Search for Significance.”

  1. When confronted with an opportunity – Ask yourself – is the Risk Worth the Reward?
  2. Life is made up of “Moments and Choices.”  Don’t miss yours!
  3. Anyone on a great quest is looking for clues that will guide them!  You’re closer than you think!
  4. Your dream is the fire that energizes you toward your destiny  Don’t allow your own negative thinking to extinguish it!
  5. Fear of failure keeps more people stuck in the status quo than anything else!
  6. One of life’s great paradoxes is that by not deciding you’re making a decision.  Step out!
  7. Don’t be a fence sitter.  When given an opportunity – Seize it!

I love this list!  Now, let’s go get this!