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Author: Brett Blair

Want to live your best life? Do these three things for yourself.

Summary: There are three things that are fundamental to living your best life – and these three things are about you. As Tom Bilyeu at Impact Theory says, you need to “love, believe in and appreciate yourself.” And here’s how to do that. 1. Understand and repeat to yourself that “humans are designed to learn and grown.” If one human has proved something possible, get it in your mind that you are capable of this, too. Focus and commit to growing, practicing and becoming better. In fact, in the last 20 years or so, scientists discovered that our brains...

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Direction Over Perfection!

Summary: Know your direction, take action and get started. Whatever you’re doing does not have to be perfect at first, because over time, you will get better if you put in the work. Perfectionism can cause us to miss opportunities. For example, it took me way too long to start recording videos because of this. I felt like I needed all the right equipment and all the right training. While I was worried about being perfect, time was passing bay, and my message and my mission was not being shared with the world. So I dove in. I started...

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Find your confidence with these four tactics!

Summary: Is there something you want to go after or achieve, but your confidence level needs some adjusting? To grow in confidence you need: 1. Competence – Develop the ability/knowledge/experience to do things successfully 2. Congruence – Make sure the things you do align with your values 3. Community/Connection – Be around people who know more about what you’re trying to do than you 4. Curiosity – Nurture your desire to learn or know more about what you’re trying to do Full Transcript: How do you grow in confidence? I think we all can agree that if we were...

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We don’t dream big enough!

Summary: We don’t dream big enough. We just don’t. And this is oftentimes for silly reasons, like worrying about what other people think, or doubting our own abilities. Life is short, and there are billions of people to help, and huge opportunities to impact the world. I know you have your own dream – perhaps you want to be an awesome father, or make a higher level of contribution to what you’re already doing. But achieving these dreams does not come overnight – it takes a lot of work. But this work comes with satisfaction. In fact, one of...

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How meditation takes my day to the next level.

Summary: I started a habit about five years ago that is finally landing on me – the habit of meditating first thing in the morning. There are hundreds of kinds of meditation techniques, but the one I want to highlight is the Japa Method, which is mentioned in Wayne Dyer’s book “Getting in the Gap.” When I give myself the gift of five or ten minutes of meditation every morning, the rest of my day goes much better than normal. I also suggest using the app “Calm.” It features different topical areas for meditation. It allows for more energy,...

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