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Author: Brett Blair

Get a little better each day.

Summary: What do we mean when we say we are about you “living your best life?” Part of it is being clear on your core philosophies. One of my core philosophies is that we should view the world from an abundant mindset rather than a scarcity mindset. We shouldn’t focus on what other people have, or how successful our competitors are, but rather, we should focus on cooperation – there’s enough out there for everybody. You should compete only with yourself. The way you do that? Get a little better each day, in all areas of your life. The...

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How to read more books!

Summary: Behind my love for God and my love for my wife, and my love for my family, I have an affair — a love affair with my bookshelf. All of my books I bought on purpose – each of them has helped me grow, has entertained me, or has expanded my world. I encourage you to also become an avid reader. Here are five tips for doing so: 1. Turn off the television – if you do watch it, make sure the shows you view are pouring the right things into your head. 2. Get a bookshelf and...

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Personal discipline leads to personal freedom.

Summary: This appears to be an oxymoron, or rather paradoxical, but personal discipline leads to personal freedom. When we drive down a highway, the guardrails are the boundaries that keep us safe on the road. Drive beyond them, and threaten your safety. As adults, we know we have to create frameworks for our life that allow us to live fully both in the short and long run. This applies to many aspects of our life: 1. Our finances — we must create budgets now that allow us to thrive in the future. 2. Our health — eating healthily will...

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Get an Attitude of Gratitude!

Summary: There is all kinds of science that proves that having an attitude of gratitude is the best way to live a life. But we are culturally conditioned to view the world negatively. We tend to complain, fear and look at things in a negative way. People who have an attitude of gratitude are happier, more resilient, more optimistic. They have better health and relationships. This kind of attitude helps you reduce feelings of envy, have happier memories, and helps you bounce back better after stress. So where do we start? How do we aquire an attitude of gratitude?...

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Declutter the physical – declutter the mental.

SUMMARY: Even if you are a naturally neat and tidy person, the physical spaces in our life can become cluttered if we are not careful. A physical space not only allows you to actively work effectively in a location, it allows you to mentally work effectively in a location. The physical aspects of your life mirror the mental aspects of your life. Watch to dive deeper into the process of decluttering. FULL TRANSCRIPT: Hey, hey. Hey, I’m in my office in Durham, North Carolina, on a Sunday afternoon, and I’m getting ready to do some homework, and I noticed...

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