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Author: Brett Blair

Three ways to get rid of negativity.

Summary: This video is for people who wish to be optimistic, but can’t seem to shake that negative disposition. Here are three tips for improving your optimism: 1. Do not assume that life is fair and that things will not always go your way. Being an optimist does not mean that you think things will always go the way you hope or plan – it’s about recognizing the good in life despite hardship. 2. Find the silver lining in everything. Remember that challenges help you grow. 3. Focus on solutions instead of problems. Instead of throwing your hands in...

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Why successful people wake up early!

Summary: What time did you wake up today? What time do you normally wake up? Are you a morning person, or do you find yourself pretty miserable when your alarm goes off? One of the habits that will help you live your best life is to wake up early in the morning. There is a ton of research to prove that this habit will lead to happier, healthier, more energetic, more productive and more successful life. Read “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy, “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod or “The Five Second Rule” by Mel Robbins — you’ll...

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How to achieve work/life balance.

Summary: We have bad news for you. There is no such thing as work/life balance. But there is such thing as appropriate prioritization. When you prioritize all of the areas of your life in a way that allows you to thrive, and you stick to this prioritization in a purposeful way – with much intention- then you will be living your best life. To do this, first decide, on your own, what areas of your life are most important. Then, write down these areas in order of importance. In this video, Brett explains the priority areas of life, and...

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Why work with a coach?

Summary: Full Transcript: -How does a coach help somebody become happier or develop better habits? Why can’t they just do that on their own? – Well, that’s a good question, and in a lot of ways people can do it on their own, and I was doing it on my own sort of before I had a coach and before I met you, but since I’ve known you, I’ll tell you my life has changed dramatically. I’d say even more specifically in the last six months, I’ve made some sweeping, sweeping changes in my life. And that’s part of...

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Change your habits!

Summary: Habits are what help you go from where you are now to where you want to be in life. They’re fundamental to living your best life. We all have both good and bad habits. We are never too old to change our habits or to make a habit of changing our habits. But this takes discipline. Let’s start small. Think about your life as it is today. What is one habit that you know eliminating would dramatically improve your life? Start with that habit. Write it down. For the next 30 days, spend time each day actively getting...

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