
I bet that when you were a kid reading was something you had to do in school and maybe that continued on through high school into college. If you’re like me, you didn’t like to read. You just did it because you had to, you were told to, and that’s how you learned.

I know, there are some people out there, some special people, who’ve always loved to read.

You’re the lucky ones.

As the years tick by, most people stopped reading altogether and instead now spend their time on a computer, on their smart phones, or watching endless hours of television.

As an adult, you have a choice. It’s an important choice.

You can choose to read or choose not to read. I’ve chosen to read and I’ve fallen in love with reading. Reading is the best way to learn. It also stimulates my creativity. It’s become a healthy habit and one that I plan to continue for a lifetime.

Reading may not be a habit for you, but you can change that and you can learn to love reading.

Reading is a gift.

The more you read, the more you’ll know. It can also be relaxing and can be exciting. In our world that is louder and more stimulating than ever, creating the time to quietly read can be difficult. It can also be amazingly rewarding.

I challenge you to give yourself the gift of time alone to read.

    • My top four tips for making reading a part of your life are:

1. Go out and buy a book or go to the library and open up an account. It’s free. I love Amazon for buying books. I buy them faster than I’ll ever be able to read them;

2. Go to bed thirty minutes earlier;

3. And instead of passing time on Facebook or YouTube, open up a book and read for thirty minutes. You’ll learn something and you’ll also have less trouble falling asleep;

4. Then make a list of three other books that you’d like to read or you’ve heard other people talk about. If you don’t have any specific titles, then make a list of three areas of interest that you have. There are books on every topic you can imagine. The choice is yours.

Try a book and if you don’t love it after a few pages, then let it go. Not every book is worth reading. There’s a lot of junk out there. Read only good books and turn off social media. Give it a rest and breathe.

The next time you’re waiting for an appointment, instead of pulling out your smart phone, open up the book that you brought with you. Keep a book with you in your car, in your backpack, in your purse. It will be a far better use of your time because you’ll be in control of what you’re looking at.

Reading as opposed to mindlessly surfing the internet, it fuels your mind with the topics of your choice, not someone else’s random posts or videos or constant negative news.

My friends, it’s your time. Use it well.

I’m wishing you the gift of reading and loving every minute of it. If you’ll make this a habit, I guarantee your life will improve in so many ways.

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[For more great quotes like these, follow Brett on Instagram]





Hey there. Coach Brett Blair here. I bet that when you were a kid reading was something you had to do in school and maybe that continued on through high school into college. If you’re like me, you didn’t like to read. You just did it because you had to, you were told to, and that’s how you learned. I know, there are some people out there, some special people, who’ve always loved to read. You’re the lucky ones.

As the years tick by, most people, they stopped reading altogether and instead now spend their time on a computer, on their smart phones, or watching endless hours of television. As an adult, you have a choice. It’s an important choice. You can choose to read or choose not to read. I’ve chosen to read and I’ve fallen in love with reading. I really enjoy it. I crave learning. Reading is the best way to learn. It also stimulates my creativity. It’s become a healthy habit and one that I plan to continue for a lifetime.

Reading may not be a habit for you, but you can change that and you can learn to love to read. Reading is a gift. The more you read, the more you’ll know. It can also be relaxing and can be exciting. In our world that is louder and more stimulating than ever, creating the time to quietly read can be difficult. It can also be amazingly rewarding. I challenge you to give yourself the gift of time alone to read.

My top four tips for making reading a part of your life are, first of all, go out and buy a book or go to the library and open up an account. It’s free. I love Amazon for buying books. I buy them faster than I’ll ever be able to read them. I’ll admit it – my Amazon Prime account is my crack.

Number two is go to bed thirty minutes earlier and instead of passing time on Facebook or YouTube, open up a book. Open up a book and read for thirty minutes. You’ll learn something and you’ll also have less trouble falling asleep. Then make a list of three other books that you’d like to read or you’ve heard other people talk about. If you don’t have any specific titles, then make a list of three areas of interest that you have. There are books on every topic you can imagine. The choice is yours.

Try a book and if you don’t love it after a few pages, then let it go. Not every book is worth reading. There’s a lot of junk out there. The point I’m trying to make is read only good books and turn off social media. Give it a rest and breathe.

The next time you’re waiting for an appointment, instead of pulling out your smart phone, open up the book that you brought with you. Keep a book with you in your car, in your backpack, in your purse. It will be a far better use of your time because you’ll be in control of what you’re looking at. Reading as opposed to mindlessly surfing the internet, it fuels your mind with the topics of your choice, not someone else’s random posts or videos or constant negative news.

My friends, it’s your time. Use it well. I’m wishing you the gift of reading and loving every minute of it. If you’ll make this a habit, I guarantee your life will improve in so many ways. Thanks.