There will always be people who have opinions about you.

These could be good opinions, and some people may really like you. This can make you feel happy.

There may be people who have bad opinions and they may dislike you, treat you poorly and try to bring you down. This can make you sad.

There will always be people who think they know best and know what you should be doing, or shouldn’t be doing, especially when it comes to following your dreams.

The key here is to not allow the good and bad opinions of others to influence the choices you make about your life and your path. You were created to soar—to live life fully and vibrantly. You were born for success—your own version of success, not the path that others may choose for you or encourage you to follow.

About nine years ago when I was leaving my corporate job with a good paycheck, benefits, stock options, and so-called “security” to become an entrepreneur, many people were shocked. They could not believe I would do such a thing. They thought I was crazy and they had no problem telling me so.

Thankfully, I didn’t listen. I trusted the voice in my heart which said to move forward. For me, it was then, or never.

I kept moving forward on my path and thank God I did. Thankfully I ignored all the sceptics around who said I would fail. My journey has not been perfect and I have learned a ton. I have grown. I have fallen. I have failed many times, but I have gotten back up, starting again and getting a little stronger along the way. This is my secret to success. I work really hard and I don’t give up. I am no smarter and no more talented than anyone else. I just stick to it and I refuse to quit. I will rise again until I am no longer able to do it.

My journey as an entrepreneur has been one that many people wouldn’t have chosen for me. The ones most surprised were the ones who thought they knew me the best. Seriously, this is a tough business and my job in corporate America was a secure, high-paying job. I was an executive within a thriving corporation, but that job began to feel empty for me. I was trading time for money, giving away my time in exchange for a paycheck and a stable life. I wanted more.

Yet, the life I’m now living is my unique and amazing dream come true. I love being a life coach. I love helping others reach their dreams. For me, this is pure joy.

I took a huge leap of faith and followed the voice in my heart. I changed directions mid-stream. I dared to dream and I am forever changed and better because of this commitment to my dreams.

You also have dreams. You have goals and hopes and beautiful ideas within your heart. You can live these dreams. Dare to follow your path. Not your friends’, or the path of anyone else – your own amazing, fabulous, unique and exhilarating path.

Be independent of the good and bad opinion of others, and let’s go get this!


Coach Brett Blair