
Habits are what help you go from where you are now to where you want to be in life. They’re fundamental to living your best life. We all have both good and bad habits. We are never too old to change our habits or to make a habit of changing our habits. But this takes discipline.

Let’s start small. Think about your life as it is today. What is one habit that you know eliminating would dramatically improve your life?

Start with that habit. Write it down. For the next 30 days, spend time each day actively getting better in that area. You’ll be on the pathway to living your best life.

Full Transcript:

Developing the right habits are a huge part of going from wherever you are to wherever you wanna go to living your best life. That pathway of growth is overwhelmingly made up of the little habits that you develop in the privacy of your own privacy to grow your life in the right direction.

And we’re all full of good habits and bad habits, and it’s the bad habits that we need to change incrementally to get those out of our lives to get on the path to living a better life. And you’re never too old to change your habits.

I like to say that I have a habit of changing my habits and even though it’s difficult and takes a lot of discipline you can do it and little by little as you change your habits you watch your life start to unfold in ways you can never imagine.

So my advice to you today is think about your life and how you’re living it and pick one thing, one habit that you know if you changed it got better at it your life would start to get better.

Maybe you have a habit of eating after you’re full, or you have a habit of drinking too much, or a habit of procrastinating, or a habit of complaining, or a habit of worrying, or a habit of being lazy, maybe you watch too much television. Whatever it is, just pick that one thing that you know if you could change that let’s say over the next 30 days it would move your life in the right direction. Write that down and look at that thing that you wrote down once every day and challenge yourself to get better in that area, and if you’ll do it you’ll watch your life start to unfold and you’ll begin to really truly develop the habit of changing your habits and as you have the habit of changing your habits life gets better and you’ll be on your pathway to living your best life.