
Know your direction, take action and get started. Whatever you’re doing does not have to be perfect at first, because over time, you will get better if you put in the work.

Perfectionism can cause us to miss opportunities. For example, it took me way too long to start recording videos because of this. I felt like I needed all the right equipment and all the right training. While I was worried about being perfect, time was passing bay, and my message and my mission was not being shared with the world.

So I dove in. I started recording videos, even though I was not the best. And perfection paralysis is no longer an issue. However, there is still so much opportunity for me to grow as I take action.

If you ever find yourself in the mindset of waiting for everything to be just right and to be just perfect before you get started, remember that phrase, direction over perfection.

Full Transcript:

Recording videos is huge for my career, it’s huge for my mission. It’s huge for me to be able to get my message out to the world. But, the truth is, it took me way too long to start recording videos, ’cause I felt like everything had to be perfect. I felt like I had to have the right video camera, I had to have the right microphone. I had to be in a place with the good lighting, I had to learn all this stuff, I had to figure it all out.

And it all felt overwhelming and, probably the biggest thing of all is I felt like I had to be perfect. I had to be as good as Tony Robbins or Brendon Burchard on video before I could jump in and start recording videos. And I really missed out on a lot of opportunity. And I could’ve been sharing my message a long time ago had I not strived for perfection and instead just gotten started in moving forward.

Now I heard a really cool phrase this morning, and I wanted to share it with you. It’s direction over perfection. Take your direction, take your action, and go ahead and get started. It does not have to be perfect at first, because you will get better, and better, and better, and better over time and eventually, you will become awesome. And that’s my plan.

So when I first started doing videos, I was pretty bad. Mostly because I was just extremely uncomfortable being up here talking to a camera. It is weird at first, and the only way that I was able to at least get more comfortable than I am now is to practice and to move forward, and to put myself out there and be okay with it not being perfect.

So, if you ever find yourself in the mindset of waiting for everything to be just right and to be just perfect before you get started, remember that phrase, direction over perfection, and hopefully that will help you get through that.