As a student of all-things related to personal growth and life balance, I’ve been repeatedly introduced to the topic of “meditation.”  My life coach, Dr. Tom Hill, has suggested that I make meditation a habit, a part of my daily set of routines.

For some reason, to be totally honest, I’ve had trouble making this a habit that will stick.  It’s not that I don’t believe in the power of meditation – I do!  On the days where I’ve taken the time in the early morning to really invest in a few minutes of meditation, I’ve often times, maybe even most times, had amazing days.  I’m now recommitting myself (not to an institution, although some people might think this is a good idea).  I’m recommitting to the practice of daily meditation, and you are my accountability buddy.

One of my favorite philosophers is Jim Rohn.  Tom Hill has told me the story about when Tom asked Jim if he meditates.  Jim’s answer was something like….”I don’t know if I really meditate, but I do like to ponder.”

Whether we call it “meditation,” “pondering,” “being still,” or “being in the moment – in the Now,” I’m convinced that this practice has huge benefits.

One of my friends recently asked me what is the difference between meditation and prayer.  I’ve heard it said that prayer is talking to God, and meditation is listening to God. I like that.

I also like the goal of meditation being to slow down the monkey brain of constant and repeated thoughts, usually negative thoughts, and to try to get to a point of no-thoughts.  Wayne Dyer has a great little book on meditation, with a CD included, called “Getting in the Gap.”  This is a fast and easy way to learn how to meditate.  The method is called the “Japa” meditation, and it uses the first eight words of the Lord’s Prayer as a guide.  I love it!

Another suggestion is the app called “Insight Timer.”  Pretty cool.

I’m committed to daily meditation, and I know my health, my relationships, my businesses, and my overall life will benefit from it.  I hope you’ll do the same!