
My passion is helping people. I love helping people improve their lives. As a life coach, I help people to grow. I help people move from what I call “autopilot to authentic,” to living their lives on purpose to a destination that they’ve set, not a destination set by other people. I help people figure out what it is that’s holding them back, to get unstuck, and to move forward to achieving their goals.

In addition to having passion for helping people, I’m also pretty good at it.


One of the reasons I’m good at helping people, at coaching people to move from living a mediocre life to living an exceptional life, is that I’ve been there. I chose to be an industrial engineer right out of high school. It wasn’t because I loved math and science. I hated math and science. I did it for one reason, that was to make a lot of money.

My love was in writing, teaching, and helping people. Back when I was eight years old, I dreamed of being a novelist. For some stupid reason, when I was 17 or 18 years old I shut down that dream. I got my industrial engineering degree, got a job, got married, raised a great family, did all the right things, and 20 years went by like that.

Something was missing.

My engineering job, which led to a career in manufacturing, it didn’t light my fire. I couldn’t connect my work to anything meaningful or significant, and I eventually figured out that I was unhappy because I couldn’t connect my work to my dreams.

What are dreams?

According to the dictionary, the most common definition of a dream is, “A series of thoughts, images and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep.” I think we all understand this definition. We’ve all experienced it. And I think dreams are cool.

I love dreams, unless they’re nightmares, or they’re otherwise disturbing. But I’m not talking about the dreams that take place during our sleep, I’m talking about the dreams that happen when we’re wide awake. The dreams that I had when I was an eight-year-old boy. My dream, my very vivid dream, of one day being a writer, being a novelist.

Another definition in the dictionary for the word dream is, “A cherished aspiration, an ambition, or ideal,”. The synonyms for this definition of dream are hope, and goal, aim, objective, target, desire, wish, yearning. 10 years ago I left my 20-year career with a big corporation and I started my own . I also did a very smart thing, I hired a life coach, Dr. Tom Hill. Among the many things that Dr. Hill did for me, one was to encourage me to reconnect with the dreams of my youth. That little eight-year-old version of me started to speak up again. I learned to take my focus off of simply making money, and instead to focus on doing things that connected to my purpose, to my passions, and to my dreams.

Another thing that Dr. Hill has taught me is that we never dream big enough. I really believe that. I know that for over 20 years I didn’t dream at all. I’m talking about the awake kind of dreams. Now I try to honor my dreams. I pay attention to my dreams. I take productive action toward my dreams. I trust in my dreams, and I continue to dream bigger, and bigger, and bigger dreams. I encourage the same with my coaching clients, and we’ve seen tremendous progress in their lives as they embrace the power of chasing one’s passions and purpose and ideals.

My friend, are you connected to the dreams, either those of today or those of your youth? Are you doing things that work, or in other parts of your life, only because it’s what’s expected by society? By your family? Are you working just to make money?

If this is you, please hear me. You don’t have to live that way. You can live a life connected to your dreams. To the dreams of your youth, the dreams of your today, and most importantly, the great big, and bigger dreams of your future.

I love life! One thing I know, for me, is that the best is yet to come, and I truly believe the same for you. I urge you to make a habit of paying attention to your dreams, and I encourage you to dream bigger, and bigger, and bigger dreams, until the end. You, your family, your friends, your community, the world, they’ll all be better as a result.

Let’s go for it!

Related quotes to consider

[For more great quotes like these, follow Brett on Instagram]



Hey there. Coach Brett Blair here, co-author, along with Dr. Tom Hill, of Living at the Summit, and I’m a high performance coach. My passion, simply put, is helping people. I love helping people improve their lives. And as a life coach, I help everyday people to grow. I help people move from what I call “autopilot to authentic,” to living their lives on purpose to a destination that they’ve set, not a destination set by other people. I help people figure out what it is that’s holding them back, and to get unstuck, and to move forward to achieving their goals.

In addition to having passion for helping people, I’m also pretty good at it. Why? Well, one of the reasons I’m good at helping people, at coaching people, coaching people to move from living a mediocre life to living an exceptional life, is that I’ve been there. If you already know my story, then you know I chose to be an industrial engineer right out of high school. I did it for one reason. Now, it wasn’t because I loved math and science. No, actually I hated math and science. I did it for one reason, that was to make a lot of money.

Now, my love was in writing, and teaching, and helping people. Back when I was eight years old, I dreamed of being a novelist. For some stupid reason, when I was 17 or 18 years old I shut down that dream. I got my industrial engineering degree, got a job, got married, raised a great family, did all the right things, and 20 years went by like that. Something was missing. My engineering job, which led to a career in manufacturing, it didn’t light my fire. I couldn’t connect my work to anything meaningful or significant, and I eventually figured out that I was unhappy because I couldn’t connect my work to my dreams.

Dreams. What are dreams? Now, according to the dictionary, the most common definition of a dream is, “A series of thoughts and images and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep.” I think we all understand this definition. We’ve all experienced it. And I think dreams are cool. I love dreams, unless they’re nightmares, or they’re otherwise disturbing. But I’m not talking about the dreams that take place during our sleep, I’m talking about the dreams that happen when we’re wide awake. The dreams that I had when I was an eight-year-old boy. My dream, my very vivid dream, of one day being a writer, being a novelist.

Now, another definition in the dictionary for the word dream is, “A cherished aspiration, an ambition, or ideal,” and according to the dictionary, the synonyms for this definition of dream are hope, and goal, aim, objective, target, desire, wish, yearning. 10 years ago I left my 20-year career with a big corporation and I started my own . I also did a very smart thing and I hired a life coach, Dr. Tom Hill. Among the many, many things that Dr. Hill did for me, one was to encourage me to reconnect with the dreams of my youth. That little eight-year-old version of me started to speak up again. I learned to take my focus off of simply making money and, instead, to focus on doing things that connected to my purpose, and to my passions, and to my dreams.

Another thing that Dr. Hill has taught me is that we never dream big enough. I really believe that. In my life, I know that. I know that for over 20 years I didn’t dream at all. I’m talking about the awake kind of dreams. Now I try to honor my dreams. I pay attention to my dreams. I take productive action toward my dreams. I trust in my dreams, and I continue to dream bigger, and bigger, and bigger dreams. I encourage the same with my coaching clients, and we’ve seen tremendous progress in their lives as they embrace the power of chasing one’s passions and purpose and ideals.

My friend, are you connected to the dreams, either those of today or those of your youth? Are you doing things that work, or in other parts of your life, only because it’s what’s expected by society? By your family? Are you working just to make money? If this is you, please hear me. You don’t have to live that way. You can live a life connected to your dreams. To the dreams of your youth, the dreams of your today, and most importantly, the great big, bigger, and bigger dreams of your future.

I love life, and one thing I know, for me, is that the best is yet to come, and I truly believe the same for you. And I urge you, I urge you to make a habit of paying attention to your dreams, and I encourage you to dream bigger, and bigger, and bigger dreams, until the end. You, your family, your friends, your community, the world, they’ll all be better as a result. Let’s go for it. Thanks.