Every day.

Yes – every single day.

Every single day the sun comes up.

It might be behind some clouds, but it’s always there – every single day.


Every single year.

Yes – every single year.

Every single year the seasons change.

Winter, spring, summer and fall.

Every single year, without fail.

With each season comes an abundance of gifts, and also sometimes challenges.

If you love the long hot days of summer, with sand in your toes, you may not be crazy about the northern artic blasts.

If you’re smart, however, you’ll find joy in ALL four seasons.

A gift we can give ourselves is to accept each season as a true gift of nature, filled with possibilities and new adventures to be enjoyed.

Also, if you’re smart, (which you are), you’ll find joy in ALL of LIFE’S SEASONS as well.

No doubt – our lives are filled with seasons.

Some are seasons of joy and contentment.

Some are seasons of struggle, difficulty and pain.

Our lives are filled with ups and downs and a rollercoaster of zig zags in between.

Our lives are a gift and we’re called to lead the best lives we can imagine.

Only YOU can create the life of your dreams.

Only YOU can design and live your best life.

If you are not enjoying the current season of your life, take action to change it.

Just as the promise and freshness of spring follows every cold winter, your ability to change your life is always available.

Life is precious and life is amazingly rich with possibility.

Don’t wait for another season to pass without investing in yourself.

Seasons may come and seasons may go, but this is your one life here on earth.

Embrace it, love it, and make it everything you dream it could be.