Our relationships are a huge part of what brings joy to our lives.

Relationships create significance and meaning in our days and give us a sense of comfort when times are tough.

Sharing our lives with people, complete with shortcomings and even some past relationship challenges, takes serious effort.

But, relationships matter.

Relationships are real and when they are centered on respect, the relationship is worth more than gold.

For me, the relationships I have with the people I love bring me joy and a deep sense of friendship.

There are things you can do, intentionally, to improve the quality of your relationships.

My most treasured relationships are with my wife, my children, my parents, my colleagues, and my closest friends. I have committed to being aware of my behavior, how I contribute to my relationships, and to work to improve upon this behavior. You can do the same.

Here are 5 quick things that you can do this week to improve in your relationships.

1. Pick up the phone

You know your mom would love to hear from you, and so would your brother, and that friend. In our high-tech world, a simple phone call means more than ever, and can deepen the quality of communications and the overall relationship.

2. Reach out

Write a card, send an email, send a text – be the one to initiate. Sometimes we need to be the one who takes the first step. The best way to make a friend is to be a friend. This is so simple, so easy, but no one does it anymore.  Try it – you’ll love what happens.

3. Spend meaningful time with those you love

Schedule visits, outings and dates and leave your phone in the car. Being focused on the person will show him or her that you’re happy to be with them, and you’ll feel more present as well. You may learn to love your time without the technology. It’s great for your spirit.

4. Create healthy patterns and routines

If it is with your spouse, schedule special events together. Have a weekly date night.  Get a babysitter.  Life is made up of many, many small moments. Celebrate and honor these moments, and create new ones together.

5. Forgive

If you’re holding on to past resentment, or are afraid that someone you love is holding it against you, let it go. The best way to heal is to forgive and to free yourself of the burden. You will lighten your own load while opening the door to a fresh, clean start.


Humans make mistakes. You do. I do. We all do.

Relationships take a lot of work, and sometimes we fail.

Each challenge is a chance to reevaluate, take an inventory on our life, and improve.

We’re each blessed to have the chance to share life with people…amazingly wonderful people.

Also, remember that you become like the people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely and cherish those meaningful relationships.  You’ll be happy that you made this part of your life a priority.


Coach Brett