
What do we mean when we say we are about you “living your best life?” Part of it is being clear on your core philosophies. One of my core philosophies is that we should view the world from an abundant mindset rather than a scarcity mindset. We shouldn’t focus on what other people have, or how successful our competitors are, but rather, we should focus on cooperation – there’s enough out there for everybody.

You should compete only with yourself. The way you do that? Get a little better each day, in all areas of your life. The days make up the week, and the month, and the year, and the decade. A year from now, you’ll be astronomically better than you are today if you put in the work to get a little better with every 24 hours you’re given.

-Coach Brett Blair

Full Transcript:

Living your best life. Here at Best Life Global, that’s what we’re all about, living our best lives, and helping other people do the same thing.

But how? How do you live your best life? Well, part of it is being clear about your core philosophies of life. And a philosophy that I totally believe in and I wanna share here today is instead of viewing the world and the economy from a scarcity mindset, view it from an abundant mindset.

We live in an amazing, beautiful planet and universe, that I believe is expanding infinitely in all directions. I’m here in my backyard on a beautiful spring afternoon, and as I look up to the sky, I’m aware that there’s no end to it. And I believe that the economy is equally abundant, and growing, and expansive. And in my businesses, my recruiting company and my coaching business, while there’s competitors out there that are absolutely world class and are crushing it, and maybe I’m down here, I don’t focus on this, I don’t focus on the competition, I wanna focus on these other people, these other companies as partners in my profession, and people I can cooperate with, and there’s more than enough out there for everybody.

So while I don’t focus on my competitors, I do compete. I compete with who I was, and with a commitment to getting a little bit better every day in my life, and in my behavior, and in my output. I wanna get better every day holistically, in all the key areas of my life.

So I wanna get better every day, a little bit better every day, in my relationship with God. A little better every day in my physical health. A little better every day in my marriage, and in my relationship with my children, and my family, and my friends, and my colleagues, and my community. A little better every day in my profession. Better every day in clarity, and courage, and productivity, and influence, a little better.

And if I get a little better every day the rest of this week, and then again next week, and the week after that, and the month after that, and the year after that, and the decade after that, eventually, getting a little better every day, I’ll become a lot better than I am today. And while I may go from here, to here, to here, to here, I may never close the gap with all my competition, that’s okay.

What more can I do but be the best I can be? And I wanna do it in a way that is, brings me fulfillment,
and happiness, and joy, and live my best life, and I think that’s a big part of my formula, and I hope you’ll do the same thing.

Just get a little bit better every day, and before you know it, you’ll be a lot better than you are today, and make a big difference in the world, and truly live out your best life.