How many people do you know who actually set goals? Of these, how many have goals that are written? Of these, how many write their goals down daily, and carry them as they go through their daily work? I’ll bet that the most successful people you know are the ones who have written goals.

There have been several research studies done that have supported this conclusion….that people with written goals are MUCH more likely to achieve their goals, and find success in life.

Of the hundreds of books on goal setting, my favorite is “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy. Another GREAT book on achieving your goals is “Flight Plan” by Brian Tracy.

I’ve been writing my goals, each workday morning, on a 3/5 index card.  I’ve done this for the past six years, and I’ve seen great transformation take place in my personal and professional life. I bet the same can be true for you.

I dare you to try writing down your goals for the next 4 weeks, and see if things don’t start to turn in the direction of your dreams.  You’ll absolutely be putting the odds in your favor!