I recently read a great definition for the word PATH, which I wanted to share here on my blog.  It comes from the book “Aspire,” by Kevin Hall.  We are all on our own personal paths in life, and when we can do this in harmony with our true purpose, amazing things can happen.

The four letters of “PATH” can be understood as:

P People who appear on your path to help you fulfill your purpose

A Actions taken on opportunities

TThoughts that help you create a life of meaning and significance

H – Moments of Happiness and Bliss

The author goes on to quote Joseph Campbell from “The Power of Myth,” ….”When you follow your bliss, you put yourself on the track that has been there all the while….you begin to meet people who are in the field of bliss, and they open doors to you.”

I’ve experienced this, and plan to continue to do so.  I wish the same for you. Let’s go get this!