A California Redwood is the tallest tree in the world. It stands 379 feet tall—somewhat taller than a football field is in length.

What causes the California Redwood, or any other tree, for that matter, to grow tall?

Science tells us that trees, as they grow, compete between two forces of nature. One is the need for sunlight. This continuous need encourages the tree to grow taller and taller, surpassing other trees in the forest, competing for precious rays of sun. The other force is gravity. Gravity makes it more and more difficult for the tree to pull water from the roots in order to provide nutrients to the top of the tree, the canopy. As the tree grows taller, this force becomes stronger, causing the taller portion of the tree to get smaller. Some believe that the practical limit for tree height is just above 400 ft.

So, how tall will a tree grow? (By the way, this is a great question posed by one of my favorite philosophers, the late Jim Rohn.)

The answer – as tall as it can. No deviation. Each and every time, without fail. Every tree on earth grows as tall as it can.

So, then, how tall will you grow?

It’s interesting that humans are the only life form that will do less than they possibly can. We humans have a problem in that we routinely settle for less than we are capable. All other life forms on earth naturally strive to achieve their maximum growth, their maximum capacity. Now, of course, we physically grow to adulthood (and sometimes physically grow way too much). Where we stop growing, however, is often in many of the other areas of our lives.

Back to trees.

You’ve never heard of a tree growing half as high as it could, and deciding to lay back and take a break from growing. No! Trees always, without fail, send their roots as deep as they can to create the foundation and the support structure to then grow as tall as possible. They also do this to produce as much fruit as possible. Always. Every tree.

We all have a lot to learn from the life of trees. Why wouldn’t we all strive to become all that we can be? It’s because we were created with free-will—with choice in how we live out our lives.

As Jim Rohn puts it…”Here’s the choice—to become part of what we could be, enough to get by, or to become all that we can be. His advice for you and for me is to choose the “all.”

Earn all that you can.

Make all the friends that you can.

Read as many books as you can.

Develop as many skills as you can.

See and do as much as possible.

Make as much fortune as possible, and give as much of it away as possible.

Strive for the maximum of everything in your life.”

So, my dear human friend, here’s the question again….

How tall will you grow?

The correct answer – “As tall as you can!”

Here’s to an abundant life of balance and growth, striving for all that you can!!


Coach Brett Blair