Do you know what you want in life?

If you are looking for more than you have or are right now, then achieving it almost always comes down to what YOU DO  with your life.

Some people get really lucky and win the lottery or inherit a bunch of money, but the great majority of us have to earn it the hard way – through persistent effort. (As you know – most people who win the lottery end up losing it all very quickly anyway).

Over the past eight years, I’ve been coached by Dr. Tom Hill, and one of his favorite sayings is “Personal Discipline Leads to Personal Freedom.” For me, improving my personal discipline has been something I’ve been working on a lot, and I’m beginning to realize a secret. The very best way for me to gain control over personal discipline is to gain control over “morning rituals.” I’ve since learned that there are several books written and studies that have shown that super-successful people have very disciplined daily habits of what they do each morning.

Here are some things that are working for me, and I wanted to share them with you:

  1.  I’ve been getting up 30 minutes earlier than I normally would. (Monday-Friday….. I allow for more rest on the weekends)
  2.  When my alarm clock goes off, I get out of bed immediately! I don’t hit the snooze button, and I try my best not to fall back to sleep.
  3.  I try to wake up with the immediate recognition of the amazing gift of life, and I pray – thanking God for my life, my health, my relationships, and for the blessing of being able to enjoy another day on this beautiful planet. This is my way of developing an “attitude of gratitude.”
  4.  I eat a very healthy breakfast – usually either a smoothie made of veggies and fruits, or a bowl of oatmeal with fruit and nuts added. (My wife and I have both eliminated dairy products from our diets, which seems to have helped a lot).
  5. I write down my goals. For several years, I’ve been writing my goals, daily,on a 3×5 inch index card. Recently, I’ve instead tried using the “notes” app on my iPhone as a place I write down my goals. I’m trying to use technology better, and this is working pretty well.
  6. I  get a minimum of 30 minutes of vigorous exercise – usually more than that. Kim and I have a personal trainer that kicks our butts every Monday morning at 6:00 am at the local gym. We’re also training for our next half-marathon, so we get several miles in of running each week.
  7. I meditate. I’m using two different apps on my iPhone: “Calm” and “Insights Timer.” Even five minutes of meditation seems to really center me and help me approach my work day with more confidence.
  8. I  read from the Bible. I like “The Message” translation, and also sometimes listen to audio programs from “The Bible” app.
  9. Three days per week I do a speed-reading lesson on EyeQ Advantage. It is amazing how quickly I’ve improved my reading speed through this program.

I’m really happy with an app I’m using called “Streaks.” This free app lets me track six daily goals, and encourages me to keep my “streak” going of not missing a day.

By the way, another concept that Dr. Hill has taught me is to “work harder on myself than I do on my job.

By having the discipline to do the morning habits listed above, on a daily basis, repeated over time, not only do I do the right things to improve my health, my spirituality, and my emotional well-being, I’m also setting the stage for better performance in all areas of my life.

Most people don’t have the personal discipline to do the things they should do each day. Most people don’t achieve their dreams and goals. That’s OK, they’re still good people.

Don’t be like most people. Be unique and disciplined and focused on your personal growth. You’ll be much better off for it!

PS….If you have other morning routines that are working for you, I’d love to hear from you. Please shoot back an email and let me know what you think.