Are you wondering what happened to your life?

Do you wish you had more energy, more passion, more excitement?

Do you find yourself working hard on one part of your life, only to see some other parts fall apart?

Me too, or at least I used to.

I’m learning a lot about how to live my unique life, and be my AUTHENTIC SELF!  You can, too.

I’m coming to believe that three things need to be in place to be your most exceptional, authentic self.  They are:

1) Passion in your work

2) Understand your priorities and strive for balance in each

3) Commit to life-long growth

So why a picture of a flat tire? Because that illustrates what your life is like if you are not balanced in each of your priority areas in life.

I made a short video to show how I like to look at the concept of life balance.

I hope this helps.  Please let me know what you think.


Coach Brett Blair