
Life is not easy, but even the toughest of days, you can find things for which to be grateful. Gratitude can spark happiness in you instantly. But how do you practice gratitude?

You do a gratitude visualization. Every day. Simply pause, sit down, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and think about some of the things for which you are most thankful. The food you ate, your significant other, the breeze outside, the ability to walk, your kids, that friend you haven’t seen in years, a moment from your childhood, your job, or the ability to see the beauty in the world.

Make this a habit, and the happiness in your life will skyrocket.


Full Transcript: 

Do you ever wonder how you can jumpstart your feeling of happiness in any given moment?

Well here’s the solution. You need to do a gratitude visualization. Just pause, sit down, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and think about some of the things in life that you’re most grateful for. This will make you feel so much better. And I recommend actually planning out a time to do this every day.

Me specifically, I do a gratitude visualization.

And I usually like to start off my visualization thinking about some of the things that I know I’m most grateful for. For me, it’s my children and my wife. I specifically go through each one. I start with my four-your-old Benjamin and I picture a moment in time where he was smiling at me and we were having fun and we were really just enjoying each other’s company and I just think about how grateful I am to have him in my life. And then I go on to my daughter, Hailey. She just turned one. I imagine a moment again of her smiling at me and I just think about how grateful I am and how much I appreciate that she’s here with us and she’s happy and she’s healthy and it just really changes my perspective on some of the other things that I could have going on in my daily life. And then I go on and I do the same thing for my wife. Because it’s easy to get caught
up in the day to day routine and kinda going through the motions and forgetting about some of the things in our life that we know that we’re grateful for, but we don’t actually cultivate that feeling often enough.

So if you want to jumpstart your happiness, and if you want to feel more happy on a daily basis, then you need to create the habit of doing these gratitude visualizations.