
I feel like kindness is something that has gone a bit by the wayside in our recent times, and I think we need to bring it back. And I think the person that needs to bring it back is you. You and I, and all of us. We need to be more kind to each other. I believe that we’re actually wired for kindness, so if you’re not being kind then there are a couple of reasons why I think that is.

First of all, I don’t think you’re being mindful enough. You’re getting too wrapped up in all the stuff that you’re doing yourself, and in your own aspirations and your own problems. I’m not saying that taking care of yourself is bad, but you need to stop and pause occasionally, and you need to think about other human beings, and you need to think about how you can go out of your way to help rise them up, and to help them feel better, and to help them live their best lives.

The other reason is because you think that there’s some sort of truth, and you think that you’re the one that is right and has that truth, but I want to fill you in on a little secret here. There is no real truth. It’s all about perspective. Other people have different perspectives than you because they were raised differently than you. They came from a different background and you don’t really understand their background, so you’re not really going to understand their perspective.

What you need to do is understand and agree that you have a different perspective on something, but still love them anyway, and still be kind to them anyway.

I want to challenge you to go do something nice for somebody else. I mean really go out of your way today, and do something nice for somebody else. Think about some of the people in your life. Think about how you could go out of your way. It could be something simple, something small. Go out of your way and just make them feel better and be kind to them, and not just today, but for the rest of your life, and trust me, if you do this, your life will be so much better!

Full Transcript:

Hey what’s up guys? Steve Arnold here with Best Life Global. Today I wanna talk to you about kindness. I feel like kindness is something that has gotten a little bit left by the wayside, in our recent times, in our modern society, and I think we need to bring it back. And I think that person that needs to bring it back is you, you and me and all of us. We need to be more kind to each other. I believe that we’re actually wired for kindness. So if you’re not being kind then there are a couple of reasons why I think this is. First of all, I don’t think you’re being mindful enough. You’re getting too wrapped up in all the stuff that you’re doing yourself, and in your own aspirations and your own goals and your own growth, and not that, that stuff is bad, but you need to pause and you need to think about other human beings and you need to think about how you can go out of your way to help rise them up, and to help them feel better and to help them live their best lives. The other reason is because you think that there’s some sort of truth and you think that you’re the one that is right, but I wanna fill you in on a little secret here. There is no real truth. It’s all about perspective. Other people have different perspectives because they were raised differently than you. They came from a different background and you don’t really understand their background, so you’re not really gonna understand their perspective. What you need to do is understand and agree that you have a different perspective on something, but still love them anyway, and still be kind to them anyway, because if you think about it from their perspective, they think that you are wrong (laughs). So, somebody’s gotta be wrong. Somebody’s gotta be right. Nope, that’s not the way it works. You guys both have different perspectives so each one of you is wrong in the other person’s eyes. And mostly when I’m talking about this, I’m talking about politics. We have different political opinions, and we have different ways that we wanna see certain things get done in our respective societies, and we think, just because their perspective is different than ours that they’re wrong, and we start thinking that they’re dumb, and we start treating them with contempt, and then sometimes it turns into anger, and so on, and people start blowing up at each other and it’s just awful. So you need to recognize that these people are human too. They just have a different perspective than you. Nobody is wrong, nobody is right, you’re just different. Alright, guys, I hope that helps and I wanna challenge you, to go do something nice for somebody else. I mean really go out of your way today, and do something nice for somebody else. Think about some of the people in your life. Think about how you could go out of your way. It could be to something simple, something small. Go out of your way and
just make them feel better and be kind to them and not just today, but I want you to take this with you throughout, really the rest of your life, but at least the rest of the week, or the next 30 days, pick a goal and set it up to where you’re going
to do something kind, specifically, you’re going to go out of your way, you’re going to be mindful, you’re going to be aware, you’re going to be kind to somebody else, and believe me, your life will change.