It’s early Monday morning. I just poured a cup of coffee and sat down to review the syllabus for two courses I’m taking. Oh my God. What am I thinking?

You may already know that I’m working toward a Ph.D. in Psychology. This is a weird combination to my engineering degree and MBA. Oh well, I’m used to being weird.

It’s clear that this is going to be, by far, the most challenging semester yet in this program. It will be an INTENSE 10 weeks of heavy-duty reading academic journals, researching, and APA-style writing, all working toward writing my dissertation.

I’m 55 years old. What am I thinking? I wonder at times if I’m crazy for taking this on. I know this semester is not going to be easy. But, let’s be real, getting a doctoral degree shouldn’t be easy. I’ve got to do the work – even the grueling, knock-down, gut-wrenching, tough work.

I love learning, and love studying, but all of this work feels like an overwhelming mountain ahead of me. I actually felt a mini-panic feeling coming over me, but took some deep breaths and calmed down.

It’s ok, It’s part of my plan. This is my journey and this is my choice. I also get to enjoy the reward of learning and the reward of the victory at the end.

I remember being a kid and begging my mom to buy me the mini variety-pack cereal boxes for breakfast. Sometimes she did, but most of the time she didn’t, preferring that I choose something with less sugar, like oatmeal, which I actually have learned to enjoy (thanks, Mom!) When those mini cereal boxes did come home, they sat on my kitchen counter like a glimmering jewel, or a gift for junior royalty. I felt like a king! For me, those mini cereal boxes were my reward, a little present to be opened in the morning, filled with sugar and excitement

Life can be like a variety pack of cereal boxes.

Sometimes things are good, sometimes things are really good. Sometimes things are bad, and sometimes things get utterly tragic and ugly. This season of my life is good, it just has a bunch of work, pressure and demands compressed into my days. This is still a great blessing and still a part of my perfect (perfect for me, but not actually perfect) journey.

When I remembered those boxes of cereal this morning as I read over my syllabus and allowed a few moments of pity to take over my better judgement, I thought of my childhood and the simple wisdom that children hold. That simple way of living each day, one day at a time. I know that the best way for me to get through this Ph.D. program is to take it one day at a time.

Life is meant to be filled with highs and lows, good days and bad, plenty of rest and plenty of hard work. This is a season for me filled with homework, studying, commitment to my business and even more importantly, commitment to my personal path. This is my path. Nobody else can do the work for me. It’s my life and it’s my job to do the best with the cereal boxes I’ve got to work with.

What can you do when you’re dealing with your own variety pack of stress and a mountain of projects?

Breathe deeply.

Be thankful. Give thanks for the good you can see – it’s there. It’s always there.

Remind yourself – this is your chosen path, and your journey to enjoy.

Live each day knowing that growth often comes through adversity and challenge.

Look towards tomorrow – knowing “this too shall pass.”

I am huge believer in looking towards tomorrow with confidence, even in the midst of a current crisis or struggle. The best is yet to come and I fully embrace this as my personal mantra. The best is yet to come for you, for me, and for the world. Whether your counters are filled with a variety pack of sugary cereal, oatmeal or even nothing at all, you can do the work and make the most of the gifts you’ve been given and the choices you have made.

This is your path and your journey. Live it the best you can, and enjoy the variety that unfolds.


Coach Brett Blair