Yes….this is another blog post on goals.

Are you really interested in being successful?

No….let me rephrase that.  Are you determined to be successful?

How about…are you OBSESSED with being successful?

I’ve been studying “success,” for several years, and a common denominator appears to be, regardless of the definition of “success,” is a relentless focus and determination.

A key tool in staying relentlessly focused is good old-fashioned “goal setting.”  Several studies have been conducted over the years, repeatedly proving that those who have goals outperform those who don’t.  Moreover, those who have WRITTEN goals greatly outperform, out “success” those who don’t.

So… you write down your goals?

Do you write then down daily?

Do you carry them with you?

I have a strong suggestion.  Try simply writing down your top five goals for the year, every morning, on a 3×5 inch index card, and carry these with you.  At the end of each night, throw this little card away.  The next morning, write the same goals down again, and carry them with you throughout the day.  Do this little experiment for ninety days.  See how it feels.  See if you “stick to it,” whatever “it” is, more than you would have otherwise.  See if you make significant progress toward your goals.

I’ll predict that the answer is Yes!

I hope you’ll give me some feedback on this suggestion.

Here’s to outlandish success to achieving your goals and dreams!  Let’s go get this!