I recently read that the average American watches 1,669 hours of television per year.  And that’s the average…..there are many that watch much more than that.

This is over 4.5 hours of TV per day, each and every day.

Most of the TV watching is an escape – not for any productive or relaxation need.

Also, the average American reads one or less than one book per year.  Amazing!

This fact confounds me.  There is so much to learn, so much to do, places to see and people to meet.  How in the world can someone grow, aspire, learn, be a good partner or parent, and be productive in this complex but abundant world – and whittle away over 4.5 hours a day watching television?

My advice, very simple as it is….turn off the TV, and pick up a good book.  Over time this will become a habit, and the negativity and meaninglessness of television will soon not have any appeal.  This is one simple way to make sure you aren’t average.  And who wants to be average?

I look forward to your thoughts!

Let’s go get this!