It’s that time again.

It’s time when concerns about the stock market, terrorism, taxes, politics, global warming, cyber-security, and an endless list of other potential problems incubates the silly little critter in our heads called the Fear Monster.   I’m determined this time around to do all I can to keep this guy away from me.

Here are some of my thoughts and advice:

1) Most of us are doing the exact same thing (job, parenting, studying, running a business) as we were last week, last month, last year…. Why change because of external worries or fear?

2)  We know the health effects of worry and stress.  Why invite those into our lives by worrying about things that we can’t control?

3)  Worry and fear are the great paralyzers of productivity.  Without productivity, there are no results.  Without results, we can’t achieve our goals and dreams.   So….make the choice to think (and act) free of fear and anxiety

4)  All economic changes, up and down, are part of cycles.  It’s the law of nature, and the law of the economy.  In the big picture, in the long run, growth will happen….and we just need to stay the course in the short run.

5)  When other people are cowering in fear, it is a great opportunity for those of us who are not to out-think, out-perform, and gobble up market share by attracting new customers who need us.

OK…back to the excitement of another new day, regardless of how the DOW does today!