
You must stop overcommitting yourself. There are four main reasons why people overcommit themselves. If you are aware of these reasons in your own life, and how you lean into them, you can prevent yourself from going crazy from busyness:

  1. Know your priorities. Knowing what is most important to you gives you a foundation for managing your requests.
  2. Recognize opportunities. You might suffer from “FOMO,” or “Fear of Missing Out Syndrome.” We live in an abundant universe, and opportunities come, go and then come back around. There’s no need to fear that you’ve missed a type of opportunity for good.
  3. Choose discomfort over resentment. Say “no” to the right things fast so that you avoid resenting the person who originally presented you the opportunity you actually did not want to take.
  4. It’s kind to say “no.” If you say “no” to something your heart is not really in, you allow someone whose heart is in it to take over and excel.


Full Transcript: 

“You must stop overcommitting yourself.

The main reasons that people overcommit themselves is because they don’t know their priorities, for one. Once you know your priorities, you have something to measure your requests by, and you know when to say no because if it doesn’t fit within your priorities, then you know automatically that you need to say no to that.

Alright, the second thing you need to be aware of is “fear of missing out.” We live in an abundant universe and opportunities come, and opportunities go, and opportunities will come back around, and you don’t need to be worried about missing out. As long as you’re focused on working on your priorities and doing things that are important to you, you will never be lacking for opportunities.

Alright, third one. Choose discomfort over resentment. Be courageous, get uncomfortable, say no fast, and that will prevent you from resenting that person in the future. Now, in reality, you shouldn’t resent them, anyway, because it’s your fault for saying “yes” to something you should have said “no” to, but people don’t always think that way. So, I saw that online the other day, and I loved it. Choose discomfort over resentment.

Alright, fourth one. Saying “no” is actually much kinder than you think that it is. Because, when you say “no” to something that your heart’s not really in, it gives them the opportunity to go find somebody whose heart really will be in it, and who will actually follow through and do the very best job that they can. Whereas you, whose heart was not in it, probably won’t deliver to the best of your ability. So, in that circumstance, saying “no” is actually much, much kinder than you would initially think.

Hope this has been helpful. Have a great day.”