I know a lot of people who are in job transition. Maybe you are one. Some people are looking for a new job, and others are considering going out on their own – starting something entrepreneurial. There has never been a better time for this. Regardless of your plans, you have a lot in front of you. While this can be a scary time, it can, and should also be a wonderful time of rare opportunity.

I know hundreds of people who spend their workdays on the treadmill of life, trading time for money, in a job, position, or company for which they have no real connection or passion. I was also one of these people not too many years ago.

When I left my corporate job, I took some time to really reflect on myself. With help from my coach, I dug deep into myself, learning what really makes me tick. After some serious and somewhat painful self-examination, I was able to write down my personal purpose and passion. For me, I love helping people, and because of that, my second career as a life coach and search consultant is a perfect fit. For you, your purpose and passion are likely something completely different. That’s fine. Whatever path is right for you, deep down in your heart, is the path you should follow.

Life is too short, and time too precious, to be doing something for which you feel no connection or passion. Ultimately, you should live for your work, instead of working just to live.

My strong advice is to take this time to reflect upon your heart’s desires, declare your personal purpose and passion, and do your best to connect your next occupation with your unique skills and desires. Your life, and the lives of those around you, will be forever blessed as a result.

“When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer