We know how important it is to give our bodies time to rest, to relax.

But, we don’t do it often enough.


It’s usually because we think we don’t have time.

The truth is, we don’t make time for it.

Our bodies and minds need rest in order to thrive.

We all want to thrive.

Our bodies are the carriage for our spirits and in order to live life to the fullest, our body and our spirit need time to unwind and rebuild from the craziness of everyday life.

Here are 7 suggestions for adding more rest and relaxation into your life. (Yes! You do have time!)

  1. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal.  Don’t be tempted to check email in bed. Let it go. Close your eyes and relish the chance to rest and dream.
  2. Get up early! This may sound counter-productive, but there is a unique power in the morning. Getting up early goes hand-in-hand with going to bed earlier. When I rise earlier, I am more equipped to sleep earlier and this helps me enjoy the time before the sun rises.
  3. Schedule time to be alone. Opening ourselves up to quiet time gives our minds a chance to refresh and generate new ideas and creativity.  This is impossible if we’re constantly distracted by texts, emails and social media. Give those things a break, and open yourself up to your deeper creative energy.
  4. Breathe deeply, and reflect on the best parts about your day.  They are there. Honor these small joys. Giving thanks helps our spirit find peace, even in challenging times.
  5. Journal.  Skip happy hour with friends and head home early for some quiet time alone. Grab your journal and a comfortable spot by the window, or fireplace, and write down the things in your life you’re most grateful for.
  6. Exercise, and embrace the sweat! Our bodies are designed to move. Find a form of exercise you like to do, and do it several times a week. For me, running is a passion, and it helps my body stay strong. It also helps me sleep better at night. When I push my body physically, my mind and body function at their best.
  7. Pray. I know that God is ultimately in charge, and when I take my cares to God, I can release my feeble grasp on them. Letting go and allowing the power of our faith to take over releases our clutch on problems, most of which we have no control over anyway.

Life can get crunchy.

It will get crunchy.

When it does, it can be hard to get to a real place of emotional rest.

Try some of these ideas, and see if you notice a difference.

Wishing you rest and the best in your life!

Coach Brett Blair