
As human beings, we’re each graced with a special gift. This gift is called free will. With free will, we get to choose. We can choose to grow, and design and accomplish amazing goals, to stretch our limits, and ultimately reach our full potential, or we can choose a path of laziness and fear, and never live the life we could’ve lived, or we can choose to live someplace in between.

Meandering back and forth, some days feeling vibrant and strong, while other days we might feel weak, or trapped. Trapped in a routine that seems out of our control, and lacking in any meaning. We always get to choose.

There’s something amazing and profound out there in nature, and do you know what this is? It’s trees.

Yeah, trees. Trees grow as tall as they can, period. Trees don’t get distracted, trees don’t get lazy, and trees don’t give up. Trees continue growing, striving for sunlight and water, competing in perfect harmony to get the most sunlight that they can.

Here’s a question for you, you may have heard me ask it before, and it comes from one of my favorite philosophers, the late Jim Rohn. How tall will a tree grow? The answer, as tall as it can. No deviation. Each and every time, without fail, every tree on earth grows as tall as it can. Every tree, every time.

Then, my friend, how tall will you grow?

It’s interesting that we humans are the only life form that will do less than we possibly can. We humans have a problem, in that we routinely settle for less than we’re capable. All other life forms on earth naturally strive to achieve their maximum growth, their maximum capacity. Of course, we physically grow to adulthood, or sometimes, we physically grow way too much, but where we stop growing, is often in the many other areas of our lives.

Now trees, trees grow as tall as they can, people can choose to grow as much as they can. As Jim Rohn puts it, “Here’s the choice: The choice is to become part of what we could be, enough to get by, or to become all that we can be.”.

His advice for you, and for me, is to choose the all.

Earn all that you can, make all the friends that you can, read as many books as you can, and develop as many skills as you can. Go out and see and do as much as possible, and make as much fortune as possible, and give as much of that fortune away as possible. Strive for the maximum of everything in your life.

I think Jim Rohn has some great advice. I think we should all be like trees, and grow as tall as we possibly can. What do you think?

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Hi guys, Coach Brett Blair here. You know, as human beings, we’re each graced with a special gift. This gift is called free will. With free will, we get to choose. We can choose to grow, and design and accomplish amazing goals, to stretch our limits, and ultimately reach our full potential, or we can choose a path of laziness and fear, and never live the life we could’ve lived, or we can choose to live someplace in between. Meandering back and forth, some days feeling vibrant and strong, while other days we might feel weak, or trapped. Trapped in a routine that seems out of our control, and lacking in any meaning. We always get to choose.

There’s something amazing and profound out there in nature, and do you know what this is? It’s trees. Yeah, trees. Trees grow as tall as they can, period. Trees don’t get distracted, trees don’t get lazy, and trees don’t give up. Trees continue growing, striving for sunlight and water, competing in perfect harmony to get the most sunlight that they can. Here’s a question for you, you may have heard me ask it before, and it comes from one of my favorite philosophers, the late Jim Rohn. How tall will a tree grow? The answer, as tall as it can. No deviation. Each and every time, without fail, every tree on earth grows as tall as it can. Every tree, every time. Then, my friend, how tall will you grow?

It’s interesting that we humans are the only life form that will do less than we possibly can. We humans have a problem, in that we routinely settle for less than we’re capable. All other life forms on earth naturally strive to achieve their maximum growth, their maximum capacity. Of course, we physically grow to adulthood, or sometimes, we physically grow way too much, but where we stop growing, is often in the many other areas of our lives. Now trees, trees grow as tall as they can, people can choose to grow as much as they can. As Jim Rohn puts it, “Here’s the choice: The choice is to become part of what we could be, enough to get by, or to become all that we can be.”.

His advice for you, and for me, is to choose the all. Earn all that you can, make all the friends that you can, read as many books as you can, and develop as many skills as you can. Go out and see and do as much as possible, and make as much fortune as possible, and give as much of that fortune away as possible. Strive for the maximum of everything in your life. I think Jim Rohn has some great advice, for you and for me. I think we should all be like trees, and grow as tall as we possibly can. What do you think? Thanks.