I hate running.

Wait – that’s no longer true.

I used to hate running.  My wrestling coaching in high school made us all run cross country to get in shape before the season started. It got me in great shape, but I hated running.

As an adult, I’ve moved from hating running to tolerating running to now, at 54 years old, loving running. Here are my top nine reasons that I’ve fallen in love with running:

  1. I can eat! I like to eat, and by running several times each week, for at least three miles each time, I burn enough calories to be able to eat, pretty much whatever I’d like, and not gain weight. (Well, not whatever I like, but you get the idea.)
  2. I have control! There’s a big part of me (and you, I imagine) that wants to control things. In my business, I cannot control the outcome of my efforts. On some days, deals can fall apart, crappy things can happen, and I get frustrated by volatility of it all. When I go outside to run, I am in complete control of the activity and the outcome, from start to finish, and that somehow gives me comfort, especially after completing a long run.
  3. I can measure my progress and keep on improving. I’m a data-driven guy, and I like to improve in the things I do. Running is an area where I can set goals and achieve those goals through consistent training. That feels good to me.
  4. It clears my head!  When I run, especially on long runs, I think I get more benefit mentally than physically.  Somehow the stress that I’m carrying will go away, and I can solve problems and gain clarity in ways that I can’t do when sitting in my office. I always feel relaxed, focused and clear-headed after finishing a long run.
  5. Gives me time outside.  I work inside an office. I can feel a little stir-crazy after being indoors for days on-end. Running outside gives me time in nature, which I love, and which nurtures my soul. When I run outside, I try to really soak in the beauty of what’s around me, and be thankful for this amazing planet in which we get to live.
  6. Time with Kim.  I’m the luckiest guy on the planet. I met and married a lady who also likes to run. Her name is Kim, and she is not only my wife, but also my running buddy. We love to spend time together running on the trails around our city.
  7. Running events are fun! I’ve done two full marathons and 15 half-marathons in the past seven years. Kim and I run two half-marathons each year together – one in the spring, and one in  the fall. Lately we’ve started going out of town to “destination” runs, and are looking forward to our next one. In addition to getting a t-shirt and a medal, the events are always a lot of fun.
  8. Spend time with happy people. I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon about runners. They are always HAPPY people. I have never met a grumpy runner.  Grumpy people stay home on the couch.  Whether it is with a group of people that I am training with, or with 30,000 other runners at a running event, you can always count on the other runners to be healthy, happy, life-loving people.  These are the people I want to spend my time with.
  9. Put the OIYF!  OIFY stands for putting the “Odds in Your Favor.”  My life coach, Dr. Tom Hill, has instilled into me the discipline to take care of my body in a way that I am putting the odds in my favor of good health, both now and long into the future.  By developing the habit of regular exercise, and in my case, including a lot of long-distance running, I’m doing the right thing for my cardiovascular health, and am putting the “Odds in My Favor” of great overall health.

I hate swimming.

I don’t like bike riding.

I love running.  Now – that’s me being honest, and it works for me.  I’m not going to a triathlete, but hopefully I’ll be healthy and happy for a long, long time.

I’m wishing the same for you!!