Over the past eight years, I’ve been intently focused on growing and living what I believe to be my unique, authentic life.  (For the umpteen years before that, I was on autopilot – living a life according to a path set by other people).

I have been blessed to have been coached by one of the best teachers around, Dr. Tom Hill.  Through Tom’s mentoring, teaching and friendship, I’ve been able to transition my life into one of more balance and meaning than I could have ever dreamed.

Two of the key philosophies that Dr. Hill has drilled into my consciousness are:

#1)  We all have a moral obligation to be the very best version of ourselves that we can be.  This, I believe, should be taken literally, which means that we should continue to grow and to improve until the day we die.

– and –

#2)  We all have a moral obligation to make a positive difference in the lives of each and every person we come into contact with.  This is another way to say that we should all live by the Golden Rule, period – no excuses.

I love these two principles, and try (often failing) to act with these “moral obligations” on top of mind every day.

The attached video tells a little more about my thoughts.  If you have anything you’d like to share on this, please shoot back an email or give me a call, and let’s chat!