There are times when I am afraid.

Fear can creep in and steal my mojo.

There are times when I want to goof off, have fun, and be liked more than I want to dig in and do the hard work.
There are days when I don’t feel like getting up early and going to my office.

I’m human. But, when I have these days, I get up and do it anyway.
I’m not bragging; I’m committed. I love my work. I’m all in.
Are you?
When it comes to your work, are you all in? If you’re super lucky, you already love your job. Most people don’t.

I love my job! For me it is a passion, a calling. It’s a huge gift and I don’t take it for granted.

If you don’t already LOVE your work, you can make a change. You can find a job you love, or you can create a job you love. There is a difference.
I’m an entrepreneur. I work for myself. I work harder in my current businesses than I have ever worked in any job I held as an employee. I am so fortunate to spend my time helping people, writing, speaking and sharing my stories. I know this is a huge responsibility. It’s also a pretty awesome gift.
If you feel called to change directions and create a job you love, go for it.
If you feel called to start a new business, or a non-profit, and you’re scared that you may fail, go for it anyway.
Start with a plan. Set goals. Take action. Don’t wait.
You may think that once the credit cards are paid off and the kids are a little older, you can finally start pursuing your love for drawing and painting again. Or maybe you think that once the mortgage is paid off, you can actually begin to think about opening up that restaurant or bakery.
Don’t wait.
If you’re scared, jump scared.
You can do this.
I believe in taking action. If there is one thing I learned since opening up my own first business ten years ago, that is “action always wins.” I’ve certainly experienced my share of failure, but action always wins. If you do nothing, you’ll get nothing. Create a plan and take action.
Vincent Van Gogh is quoted as saying “If you hear a voice within you that says ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.”
If you’re struggling with fear of rejection or fear of failure, I encourage you to acknowledge those fears, take a deep breath, and then move forward anyway. Don’t wait for the fear to leave – it won’t.

Time is short. Now is all we have. Jump scared!

Here’s to a life of excitement and really cool adventures.


Coach Brett Blair