Do you want to see big changes in your life?

Are there things that you struggle with, and wish you could change, but for some reason you’ve been unable to get it done?

Whether it is losing weight, worrying less, finding your passion, being a better husband or wife, saving money, procrastinating less, etc., etc., etc.- the odds of making permanent change are not very good.

Why is this?

Why do so many people “want” to make a change, but fail to do it?

Here’s my theory, and what has been taught to me by friend, mentor and life coach – Dr. Tom Hill.

In order to change your life, three things have to be present:

1) Knowledge
2) A Significant Emotional Experience (SEE)
3) Action

Without all three of these things in place, the great majority of folks will stay in their same old patterns, and not put the determined effort over a long enough period of time required to make permanent change.

Knowledge is the easiest part, as it is everywhere, and is basically free. You can Google anything and learn about it. Books, videos, podcasts, audio recording, seminars, coaches, teachers….the list is endless for sources of knowledge.

A Significant Emotional Experience is usually what will jolt an adult into recognition that a change is necessary, and will spur the initial idea of taking action. A SEE could be a death in the family, a divorce, a job change, a health issue with oneself or loved one, or a photo taken of you in your swimsuit on the beach. A Significant Emotional Experience is what jolts our emotions into action.

Action is the hard part. Almost everyone who starts on an improvement path will give up way before permanent, sustained change is made. This applies to attempts to exercise, to eat healthy, to end addictions, to be more patient, to be a better partner, etc. Maintaining the “Action” part of the plan is where written goal setting, a long-term planning horizon, and having accountability partners along the way are so very important.

In my personal journey of growth, I’ve experienced over and over where the formula above proved true. With KNOWLEDGE, some type of SIGNIFICANT EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE, and with disciplined ACTION repeated over time, I’ve been able to transform my life. I’ve seen the same great results with the people I have coached over the years.

I’ve been blessed to have worked directly with Dr. Tom Hill for the past decade, and have seen the tremendous life change that can take place through the application of his coaching philosophies.

I also just finished editing the 2nd Edition of “Living at the Summit,” a book originally written by Dr. Hill in 1999, which is a great fictional tale relating the his powerful coaching concepts in a way that can be understood and quickly applied by anyone serious about making changes in their life.

Book Cover - Living at the Summit

The book will soon be available on Amazon, and I hope you’ll pick up a copy.

Change your life!  It is up to you, and you can do it!