Several years ago, my life coach, Dr. Tom Hill, mailed me a blank journal, and he suggested that I get in the habit of writing in it daily.

I didn’t do what he said.

I thought that was a little silly and old-fashioned.

I thought I was just too busy.

I put the journal on my bookshelf, and it collected dust.

A couple of years later, after Dr. Hill continued to suggest that I start journaling, I got over my stubborn resistance, and started writing in that same little journal.

At first, I’d write in it about once or twice a week.  Little by little, I started writing in it more often.

Along the way, I started meeting cool people, some who were very successful entrepreneurs, some who were writers, some who were artists, some were just interesting people, and I began to notice that most of these people had one thing in common – they carried their personal journals with them, and they always seemed to be writing in them.

Some of these folks would draw pictures and flowcharts and just their ideas in their journals.

I decided to make a habit of carrying my journal with me wherever I went, and to start actually using my journal.

My life started to change.

I found myself taking time, usually at a coffee shop, to sit alone and ponder, writing down whatever came to my mind. I would write down my dreams. I would write down my goals. I would write down whatever I was worried about, excited about, confused about, and blissful about.

As I made journaling more of a habit, I found that I became a more creative business leader.

I found that new ideas seemed to come more easily, and by writing them down, I didn’t forget or lose them.

By writing down things that I was grateful for, I found more joy in my daily life.

By revisiting and writing down the balance (or lack of balance) in my life, and my goals, I found that I moved more quickly toward balance and growth.

I’m now convinced that journaling daily, and in my own handwriting with an actual pen or pencil, somehow has magic associated with it. Sometimes I use an old-fashioned fountain pen. It makes me feel like Benjamin Franklin, or some other cool old dude from way back.

If you’re not journaling, I strongly suggest you start to develop the habit. You’re living your one and only life, and your story (past, present and future) is one that is worth writing down.

Here’s to designing and living the life of your dreams!!


Coach Brett Blair