
This video is for people who wish to be optimistic, but can’t seem to shake that negative disposition.

Here are three tips for improving your optimism:

1. Do not assume that life is fair and that things will not always go your way. Being an optimist does not mean that you think things will always go the way you hope or plan – it’s about recognizing the good in life despite hardship.
2. Find the silver lining in everything. Remember that challenges help you grow.
3. Focus on solutions instead of problems. Instead of throwing your hands in the air and getting upset, think about what you can do to improve the outcome.

Full Transcript:

Hey, what’s up, guys? Steve Arnold here with Best Life Global. And today I wanna talk to you about optimism. Now, this video is specifically for people who wish to be more optimistic, but for whatever reason can’t seem to shake that negative disposition.

Now I’m gonna give you three quick tips to help with this.

First of all, you need to realize that things in life aren’t always going to go your way. It’s just not going to happen. Being an optimist doesn’t mean that you believe that every single thing is gonna happen exactly the way that you planned it, always, because it’s just not, that’s just not the way it works. That’s not life. But what you really need to do is you need to focus on the fact that even when challenges come in front of you, life is still going to be good and you will get through those challenges.

The second tip is you need to find the silver lining in everything. A lot of us tend to think about these problems that we have and we can only see the negative. We can’t really find what about it could actually be good? Or maybe that problem is actually telling us something or giving us a clue about some other direction that we need to go in.

And if all else fails, at least remember that challenges help us grow. So if something comes in front of you that feels like a challenge, it’s actually helping you because it’s going to help you to grow to be a stronger, better person.

Okay, third, you need to focus on solutions instead of problems. A lot of people tend to get caught up in the trap of negativity and they only think about the problems they have. They just feel irritated and upset instead of thinking about ways that they can actually improve that problem and find a solution to that problem. So next time a problem comes in front of you, instead of just thinking about it and throwing your hands in the air and getting upset about it, think about what you could actually do to improve that outcome.

Alright guys, that’s all I have for today. Hope it was useful. Have a great day.