This is one of the BIG things that separate successful people from those who aren’t. And I’m using the term “successful” to mean achieving your goals in any area of life – not just in business or in finances. It applies to your spiritual life, your physical health, relationships, and emotional health as well.

What do successful people do when they approach something that they know they should do, but don’t feel like it?

..they DO IT ANYWAY!

It is profoundly simple, yet incredibly difficult.

Not complicated, not easy.

This approach to life takes DISCIPLINE, a high degree of personal discipline.

This morning I went to the gym. I know that lifting weights and doing cross training is super-important to me, especially as I get older, but I’ve been unusually lazy in adding this to my exercise routine. My wife, Kim and I are both active long-distance runners, but neither of us were doing enough exercise outside of running. A couple of months ago when I was writing down my goals, in priority order, I reflected upon my statement that my physical health is second only to my relationship to God. At least that is what I said to myself, and to other people. When I looked at my calendar, and at my checkbook, it told a different story. I wasn’t putting in the time or spending the money on my physical health in a way that reflected the supposed priority that I placed upon it.

So, Kim and I hired joined a gym (The UNC Wellness Center in Chapel Hill, NC) and hired a personal trainer. Expensive? A little. Working? Absolutely. When you have a trainer that you have already paid waiting to meet you every Monday morning at 6:00 am at the gym, and your wife is going with you, you get up and do it. Now, little by little, we’re developing a new habit.

Back to my first statement. Successful people do what needs to be done, even when they don’t feel like it.

Feelings don’t have authority over goals and ambitions.

Winners put their feelings aside, face their fears (a topic we’ll talk about soon), have no tolerance for personal laziness, don’t accept procrastination, and get on with doing the things that will move their lives forward.

I don’t feel like making another sales call, but I’m doing it next – I’M DOING IT ANYWAY.

How about you? I bet you are doing the same thing, and you’ll be better off for it!